This course is the lecture component of CIS372.
See the course schedule
This course is the lecture component of the CIS371/CIS372 pair. The focus of CIS371 is on understanding the design and performance of computers. The description from the course catalog:
(Prerequisite(s): CIS 240, knowledge of at least one programming language). This is the second computer organization course and focuses on computer hardware design. Topics covered are: (1) basic digital system design including finite state machines, (2) instruction set design and simple RISC assembly programming, (3) quantitative evaluation of computer performance, (4) circuits for integer and floating-point arithmetic, (5) datapath and control, (6) micro-programming, (7) pipelining, (8) storage hierarchy and virtual memory, (9) input/output, (10) different forms of parallelism including instruction level parallelism, data-level parallelism using both vectors and message-passing multi-processors, and thread-level parallelism using shared memory multiprocessors. Basic cache coherence and synchronization.
CIS240 is an absolute prerequisite for this course. In addition, CIS372 is a co-requisite (that is, you must be taking CIS372 in parallel).
Grading breakdown for the course is as follows:
We will use one textbook: Patterson and Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software Interface" (the most recent edition).
Academic misconduct such as cheating will not be tolerated. The work you submit in this class is expected to be your own. If you submit work that has in part or in whole been copied from some published or unpublished source (including current or former students), or that has been prepared by someone other than you, or that in any way misrepresents somebody else's work as your own, you will face severe discipline by the university. (Adapted from text appearing at the Office of Student Conduct page.)
Any detected cases of cheating will be pursued. Penalties can include: receiving a zero on the assignment (the minimum penalty), failing the course, having a note placed in your permanent academic record, suspension, and ultimately expulsion.
See Penn's Code of Academic Integrity for more information.