Instructor: | Prof. Milo Martin |
Demo Due: | Thursday, March 31st (you must demo it in the KLab by 7pm) |
Writeup Due: | Friday, April 1st (turn in PDF via Blackboard by 7pm) |
Instructions: | This lab should be done in groups of two or three. |
This lab is worth 10% of your course grade.
In this lab, you'll complete a single-cycle LC4 processor. We're giving you the data and instruction memories (including all the I/O devices) . You'll use the register file and ALU from the previous lab, create a branch unit, and design other needed components. The end result is a fully functional LC4 processor complete with video output.
A skeleton implementation, including Verilog code for the memory and all of the devices (except for the timer), user constraints, and the missile command memory image on which your processor will be tested is included in the compressed tarball labfiles.tar.gz. To extract the tarball, type 'tar -xvfz labfiles.tar.gz' at the eniac command line.
The labfiles.tar.gz archive also contains new versions of the testbenches and more extensive input files for the modules from the previous lab (ALU and the register file). We strongly suggest that you test your design using these newer testbenches.
The branch unit module will be in the file lc4_branch_unit.v.:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module lc4_branch_unit(insn, pc, nzp, rs_data, next_pc); input[15:0] insn, pc, rs_data; input [2:0] nzp; output [15:0] next_pc; /*** YOUR CODE HERE ***/ endmodule
The module takes as inputs an instruction (16 bits), the program counter (16 bits), the first register output (16 bits), and the value of the NZP bits (3 bits). The output is the next program counter (16 bits). If the instruction is a non-control instruction, the module should just output the program counter incremented by one. Otherwise, it should calculate the correct next PC.
Using the same Verilog subset as used in the previous lab, implement the branch unit.
The testbench for the branch unit is and the input trace is test_lc4_branch_unit.input.
Below is a digram of a LC4 single-cycle datapath using the register file, ALU, and branch unit.
Click on the image for a larger version. It is also available as: lc4_datapath.pdf and lc4_datapath.pptx
The processor module is in the file lc4_single.v. Most of your code should go into this file, although you want to create and use auxiliary files for sub-modules like the register file, ALU, branch unit, and other modules.:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module lc4_processor(clk, rst, gwe, imem_addr, imem_out, dmem_addr, dmem_out, dmem_we, dmem_in, test_stall, test_pc, test_insn, test_regfile_we, test_regfile_reg, test_regfile_in, test_nzp_we, test_nzp_in, test_dmem_we, test_dmem_addr, test_dmem_value, switch_data, seven_segment_data, led_data ); input clk; // main clock input rst; // global reset input gwe; // global we for single-step clock output [15:0] imem_addr; // Address to read from instruction memory input [15:0] imem_out; // Output of instruction memory output [15:0] dmem_addr; // Address to read/write from/to data memory input [15:0] dmem_out; // Output of data memory output dmem_we; // Data memory write enable output [15:0] dmem_in; // Value to write to data memory output [1:0] test_stall; // Testbench: is this is stall cycle? (don't compare the test values) output [15:0] test_pc; // Testbench: program counter output [15:0] test_insn; // Testbench: instruction bits output test_regfile_we; // Testbench: register file write enable output [2:0] test_regfile_reg; // Testbench: which register to write in the register file output [15:0] test_regfile_in; // Testbench: value to write into the register file output test_nzp_we; // Testbench: NZP condition codes write enable output [2:0] test_nzp_in; // Testbench: value to write to NZP bits output test_dmem_we; // Testbench: data memory write enable output [15:0] test_dmem_addr; // Testbench: address to read/write memory output [15:0] test_dmem_value; // Testbench: value read/writen from/to memory input [7:0] switch_data; output [15:0] seven_segment_data; output [7:0] led_data; // PC wire [15:0] pc; wire [15:0] next_pc; Nbit_reg #(16, 16'h8200) pc_reg (.in(next_pc), .out(pc), .clk(clk), .we(1'b1), .gwe(gwe), .rst(rst)); /*** YOUR CODE HERE ***/ assign test_stall = 2'b0; // No stalling to report for single-cycle design // For in-simulator debugging, you can use code such as the code // below to display the value of signals at each clock cycle. `ifdef DEBUG always @(posedge gwe) begin $display("%d %h %b %h", $time, pc, insn, alu_out); end `endif // For on-board debugging, the LEDs and segment-segment display can // be configured to display useful information. The below code // assigns the four hex digits of the seven-segment display to either // the PC or instruction, based on how the switches are set. assign seven_segment_data = (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd0) ? pc : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd1) ? imem_out : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd2) ? dmem_addr : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd3) ? dmem_out : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd4) ? dmem_in : /*else*/ 16'hDEAD; assign led_data = switch_data; endmodule
You will notice that the lc4_processor module has instruction and data memory signals declared in its external interface. The top module is lc4_system.v which instantiates the processor, memory, and devices, and interconnect them to each other and to the pins. In Xilinx, you must set lc4_system.v as the top module or else you will only synthesize the datapath and will not have a full working system.
The lc4_processor module in the lc4_single.v file also has extra outputs that begin with "test" that capture the changes to the processor state after each instruction. Your processor will work even if you don't connect these outputs to anything. As described below, they are provided to help you debug your code both in simulation (so that ModelSim can compare the values you have for these to values in a trace file genrated by PennSim.jar).
What's this "global write enable" or "gwe" all over the place? The block memories in the FPGA are design such that they are read or written on a clock edge. Thus, we don't really have a "single cycle" design. Instead, we use a "global write enable" that is set once every four cycles. This allows reading of an instruction from the instruction memory and then reading/writing from the data memory all in a "single cycle". For the most part this should be transparent to your design.
You have the freedom to implement the datapath and control any which way you want. All in all, the processor module should be at most 150-200 lines of Verilog.
One caveat about the dmem_addr bus. This bus should have the value x0000 for any instruction other than a load or a store. The reason is that if this bus accidentally has a value that matches one of the memory-mapped device addresses, you could be unintentionally reading that device.
As was stated in the previous lab, your single-cycle processor will not implement the MOD or DIV instruction. We won't be testing for them explicitly, but it is probably easiest if these instructions just write all zeros into their destination register. Alternatively, you can also implement them as doing nothing.
A good way to debug your design is using behavioral simulation and comparison with a trace. The code/ subdirectory in the labfiles/ folder contains several .hex and .trace files. the .hex files are memory dumps of various programs. For example, house.hex is a memory dump of a small non-interactive program that draws the missile command houses on the screen and then exits. house.trace is a trace of that program created by PennSim.
A trace file is a text file containing one line per instruction executed, each with the same fields:
The Verilog test fixture reads the .trace file, simulates the processor executing the .hex program instruction-by-instruction. When executing, it then compares the lc4_processor module interface signals to the corresponding fields in the trace file, allowing you to debug your implementation instruction by instruction.
The .hex file used to initialize the memory is specified in include/bram.v. Using a different .hex file requires editing the value of the MEMORY_IMAGE_FILE macro at the top of the memory module bram.v. This memory module is used both for simulation and for synthesis, so if you change it in one place it will affect the other.
The labfiles/ contain several tests, which we recommend you use to test your design in the following order:
The newest versions of PennSim.jar also allows loading of .hex files directly using the new "loadhex" command. Just type in "loadhex mc.hex" in the command line, for example. This will let you single-step through the execution in PennSim during your debugging.
The house.hex file was created on PennSim by first loading the object files (ld mcux and ld house) and then using the command: dump -readmemh x0000 xFFFF house.hex. The house.trace file was created on PennSim using the commands trace on house.trace, then break set OS_START, continue and then trace off. You can write your own tests and create your own memory images and trace files in a similar way. You'll need the most recent version of PennSim.jar.
Depending on how you count the processor executes at either 100MHz or 25MHz, but either speed is too fast to debug. You can use the expansion board to put the processor into "single-stepping" mode. Switch 8 controls clock mode: up is "auto", down is "single-step". To step the clock one cycle forward, use the down button on the main board.
When single-stepping through the program, the other expansion board switches determine what value is displayed on the expansion board 7-segment display. What is display is determined by the code at the end of your processor module:
assign seven_segment_data = (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd0) ? pc : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd1) ? imem_out : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd2) ? dmem_addr : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd3) ? dmem_out : (switch_data[6:0] == 7'd4) ? dmem_in : /*else*/ 16'hDEAD;
For instance, when the switches are set to 0 (i.e., all switches down) the 7-segment display shows the value currently on the pc bus, i.e., the program counter. You can also expand this code to get additional debugging info.
This synthesizable part of this lab should be implemented using the structural and behavioral Verilog subset as in presented in the class notes. The only state element you are allowed to use for synthesis is Nbit_reg. You are allowed to use behavioral Verilog and reg primitives in test fixtures. If you're not sure if you're allowed to use a certain Verilog construct, just ask (post a message on the newsgroup, send an e-mail, etc.).
During the demo to the TA, you'll demonstrate that your design works using both simulation and the hardware boards:
All group members should be present at the demo.
Turn in a single PDF to BlackBoard that contains all of the following: