Milo M. K. Martin

Picture of Milo Martin Associate Professor (on leave)
Computer and Information Sciences Department
University of Pennsylvania
3330 Walnut Street
Levine Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389


Curriculum Vitae


I am now employed by Google, and I am no longer a professor at Penn. This web page is no longer maintained, but it remains for reference and links to papers and presentations.

Research Interests

My area of expertise is computer architecture; however, my interests span many aspects of computer systems research (including compilers, security, databases, embedded systems, and networking). Specifically, my current research projects involve multiprocessor and multi-core memory systems, cache coherence protocols, transactional memory systems, shared-memory workloads, scalable processor micro-architectures, verification of concurrent hardware and software, hardware support for secure systems, and programming models for next-generation multi-core hardware architectures.

I was a faculty member of Penn's Computer Architecture and Compilers Group (ACG).

Prior Projects and Collaborators

Seminars and Reading Groups


PhD Graduates

Advice and Tips


Conference Publications

Journal Publications

Newsletters, Posters, and Refereed Workshop Publications

Technical Reports
